Destiny Church GI - 4306 W HWY 30, Grand Island, NE 68803


Ways to give

We accept cash, cards, and checks.

Continue to give on this page or download the DCGI App.

Visit the giving table in the foyer or place in the offering baskets.

Send to 4306 W HWY 30, Grand Island, NE 68803.

Why We Give

God is generous and He calls us to be as well; what we do with what God has given us, shows the world where our hearts are and helps us proclaim the gospel.

Who You Can Give To

In addition to tithing (an act of faith given in obedience - Malachi 3:10), you can give towards the further growth of our church with the expansion fund, to the generous giving fund (an ever-changing fund that supports a designated outreach), to missionaries under the missions fund, or to any of our ministries (children, youth, adult, etc.).